I've moved !
This blog has moved to:
The feed URL is:
Details about the transition are at the new site.
This blog has moved to http://blog.pansapiens.com/
This blog has moved to:
The feed URL is:
Details about the transition are at the new site.
Posted by
3:36 PM
tags: meta
The Google Summer of Code project participants have been selected. I scanned the list to see how projects specifically aimed at the biosciences and bioinformatics fared:
Posted by
9:22 AM
tags: bioinformatics, code
I see Lars Juhl Jensen has come up with a fun tag cloud of recently popular buzzwords in the biosciences. He calls it a BuzzCloud. The buzzword from the cloud I've noticed most lately is "Quantative Proteomics" ... quantitation is a good goal for the field of proteomics to aim for, since IMHO it doesn't really deserve the -omics prefix. "Omics" tends to imply the possibility of global proteome coverage, which proteomic studies rarely, if ever, achieve. But enough of the side-rants.
The way Lars' BuzzCloud is constructed by extracting phrases ending in -ics, -ology, -omy, -phy, -chemistry, -medicine, or -sciences etc reminded me of a stupid little CGI application I wrote a few years back ... the Biotech company name generator. When you take common prefixes like "Gene-", "Pept-" or "Chemi-" and suffixes like "-omics" or "-agen" etc, it's amazing how often Googling the name turns up a real honest-to-goodness biotech company.
Feel free to comment on any "biotechie" suffixes and prefixes that I should add ... the hardcoded list in the script isn't that long.
Posted by
3:52 PM
Recently, Noel O'Boyle of Noel O'Blog proposed a new RESTful scheme for resolving publications, as an alternative to using DOI or PubMed ID (PMID) identifiers. Essentially, this would allow resolution of a publication like:
EL Willighagen, NM O'Boyle, H Gopalakrishnan, D Jiao, R Guha, C Steinbeck and D J Wild Userscripts for the Life Sciences BMC Bioinformatics 2007, 8, 487.
Using something like this:
openref://BMC Bioinformatics/2007/8/487or
http://dx.openref.org/BMC Bioinformatics/2007/8/487
from turbogears import controllers, expose, flash, redirect
from model import *
# from openref import model
from Bio import EUtils
from Bio.EUtils import DBIdsClient
from xml.dom import minidom
import urllib
class Root(controllers.RootController):
# we use *args and **kw here to accept a variable number of
# arguments and keyword arguments
# (eg Journal/Year/Page or Journal/Year/Volume/Page)
# turbogears passes arguments to the function from the URL like
# http://webapp:8080/arg1/arg2/arg3?keyword=stuff&keyword2=morestuff
def openref(self, journal, *args, **kw):
# deals with openref://Journal/Year/Page
# (no volume argument)
if len(args) == 2:
year, page = args
query = '"%s"[TA] AND "%s"[DP] AND "%s"[PG]' % \
(journal, year, page)
# deal with openref://Journal/Year/Volume/Page
# (including volume number)
if len(args) == 3:
year, volume, page = args
query = '"%s"[TA] AND "%s"[DP] AND "%s"[VI] AND "%s"[PG]' % \
(journal, year, volume, page)
# search NCBI PubMed with EUtils
client = DBIdsClient.DBIdsClient()
result = client.search(query, retmax = 1)
res = result[0].efetch(retmode = "xml", rettype = "xml").read()
# get doi link from eutils XML result, example:
xml_doc = minidom.parseString(res)
for tag in xml_doc.getElementsByTagName("ArticleId"):
if tag.getAttribute("IdType") == "doi":
doi = tag.childNodes[0].data
if tag.getAttribute("IdType") == "pubmed":
pmid = tag.childNodes[0].data
# make the DOI resolution URL
doi_url = urllib.basejoin("http://dx.doi.org/", doi)
# make the Entrez Pubmed resolution URL
pubmed_url = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=%s&dopt=Abstract" % (pmid)
# and lets not forget a URL to HubMed
hubmed_url = "http://www.hubmed.org/display.cgi?uids=%s" % (pmid)
# decide where to redirect to based on "?redirect=xxx" argument
if kw.has_key("redirect"):
if kw['redirect'] == "doi":
url = doi_url
elif kw['redirect'] == "pubmed":
url = pubmed_url
elif kw['redirect'] == "hubmed":
url = hubmed_url
url = doi_url
raise redirect(url)
Posted by
5:33 PM
tags: bioinformatics, code, publication, python
Well, a New Year is fully in swing, so I thought it would be a good time to cleanup my 'posts in progress'. There are a bunch of posts that I started last year, for reasons of lack of quality, lack of timeliness or general motivation never made it out the gate.
I generally dislike this kind of 'meta-blogging', but this is the easiest way for me to let go of them and move on ... here is a list of the posts that could have been, but never were:
Posted by
8:08 PM
tags: meta